Friday, November 1, 2013

Editorial:School Lunch

by: Danielle Hunt 

The school lunch here at Luther Burbank High School could be better than any other lunch served at middle school.

Because there is almost the exact same food as middle school and the kids can be really really tired of eating the exact same thing everyday. Having the exact same thing will make the students stop eating the school lunch.

This may not be true for some but most feel the same way. Now days the kids in this generation are usually picky about what they eat.

If the students do not eat they will not have as much focus as if they had a full stomach and on an empty stomach the students cant keep up with the rest of the class and get the grades needed.That's why the school needs to have better food so the students can stay awake. This is especially important to those who are athletes and need to stay awake to practice and not get distracted by their hunger and not feel so good and end up not playing the better part of the game.

As a result the school lunch should improve on their lunch choices.

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